Rise – Christmas Degustation Menu '08

  28 January 2009

im on a semi holiday and yet im finding it hard to get the time to blog bah! anywhos a long, long time ago, around xmas it was the motherships birthday and guess where we went for dinner… Rise! lol it’s noods and i EIGHTH time at Rise (23 Craigend St, Darlinghurst) altho we’re not complaining because we always get excellent service and the food is top notch and my dad seems to like making friends with chefs haha and hideki says he reads my blog HIHI! we went for the christmas degustation menu which was $55p.p

Salad of ocean trout tataki & mango coconut salsa. this was a nice starter i liked the combination of the coconut and ocean trout, not too creamy with a sweet mango tang

Potato cream soup with prawn tempura & tofu. i LOVE the soups at rise! always super flavourful and tasty and this time with a smooth block of tofu hiding on the bottom and a crispy prawn floating on top (and managed to score noods’ prawn since he’s allergic haha WIN!)

Assorted fresh market sashimi. um my memory is super not awesome but in the shot glasses there was salmon sashimi, scallop with roe and i think kingfish, in the spoon i think it was scampi and of course the delicious briny oyster

Chicken, cauliflower, corn & beans salad with orange mayo in passionfruit cup, Gazpacho with crispy prosciutto, Tuna tartare with gochujang miso in wonton cup. i like corn! 2nd most favourite vegetable (after potatoes lol) so it pleases me greatly when it pops up unexpected. the gazpacho was refreshing and a welcome palate cleanser and the tuna tartare was surprisingly spicy but just as delicious

Ocean perch tempura, stuffed zucchini flower & wakame tomato salsa. and because i have a teensy tiny stomach i was kinda full here so passed this to noods

shirley and the brother unit got an alternate dish because they have issues with fish lol so this was chicken and i was pretty jealous cos it was fantastic! golden skin on the outside and juicy soft meat on the inside

dessert time! honeydew melon pannacotta with rockmelon jelly and watermelon granita, Passionfruit custard with coconut milk granita, Dried fruits cake with vanilla icecream. i loved the passionfruit custard but not so much the coconut granita and the 3 layered glass was very pretty altho a tad sweet but the fruit cake was awesome which was unexpected since i usually dislike any cake with dried fruit in it

and the lovely people at rise were sweet enough to make a birthday dessert platter for the mothership. haaaappy birthdaaaaay tooooo youuuuu

her extra dessert was a green tea icecream

da family!

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